
In the following docs, we will use the following acronyms for our game modes: WYR, NHIE, TOD, and MLT.

Gamemode IDs:

  • wyr: Would You Rather

  • nhie: Never Have I Ever

  • tod: Truth or Dare

  • mlt: Most Likely To

  • ww: Word Wreck

  • cduel: Choice Duel

  • frq: Freeplay

  • !lms: Last Man Standing

  • !caption: Caption Clash

The ! prefix means they do not require a Pack.

Brief Explanations

In "Would You Rather," players must choose between two challenging scenarios.


When we refer to option number, use this ordering. (Including opt#. Example: DARE is 2, so it would be opt2)

Option one is 1

Option two is 2

Last updated